Stay a while and listen.

Ahoy-hoy! I’m Josh. I moonlight as a writer and daylight in the sexy field of health insurance. One job has me spending my day scowling at a glowing slab of glass, the other still fills me with impostor syndrome. I’ll leave you to decide which is which.

Anyway, welcome to Modern Idiot. Feel free to subscribe, hang out, and encourage your friends and enemies to join the Idiot Parade.

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Oh, and while you’re here: grab a hammer, saw, or some other carpentry tool, because we are building this ship while we sail it, and I need all the help I can get.

More soon —


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Dispatches and notes from a semi-reliable narrator.


Writer, raconteur, and dachshund enthusiast. Fiction in SLATE and elsewhere. Big fan of space, both personal and outer.